Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Steps to Winterize Your Roof

roof with snow and icicles.jpg
Fall is here, and for Middle Tennessee homeowners, that means it’s time to begin preparing for the harsh weather of winter. At Mike Ragan Roofing & Sheet Metal, we care about helping you  keep your roof as safe and sound as possible. That’s why we we’ve put together this list of 5 key steps to winterize your roof. 

1) Gutter Duty

    Fall is famous for it’s steady stream of falling leaves carpeting the earth. Naturally, that includes your roof and gutters, and often leads to clogged gutters and downspouts. As your gutter system fails, your roof, trim, siding, and foundation are at risk. Always check, clean, and repair any necessary issues to avoid costly, unexpected repair bills. Having gutter guards installed is an excellent way to minimize your risk as well as your seasonal maintenance load.


    2) Remove Roof Debris

    Those leaves we just talked about? They contain moisture that can quickly degrade into mildew and decay. Soon, that same mildew and decay can be imparted into your roof, leading to spots of serious roof failure. That’s why ridding your roof of all debris is another important maintenance issue in winterizing your roof.


    3) Trim Low-Hanging Branches and Unhealthy Trees

    Most everyone knows what it’s like to walk outdoors after a wintry storm. Branches everywhere! This is a  good year-round tip, but it’s especially important in preparing for winter, when heavy snow and ice can cause vulnerable limbs to snap. This can lead to felled power lines, as well as severe roof damage when a crashing branch falls in an unfortunate location. Don't let this happen to you! Always be sure to trim or remove low-hanging branches. Also, inspect all trees on your property for health. Arranging to remove dead or dying trees can do much to save your roof from damage.


    4) Inspect Attic Insulation and Ventilation

    How is the quality of airflow in your attic? If  your answer is anything less than “good”, your roof could be in trouble - not to mention your utility bill! Mounting snow on a roof will eventually find its way to any available areas of damage, leading to roof leaks and degradation. Hiring a professional roofing expert to evaluate the fitness of your attic’s insulation and ventilation will help you discover any areas that need attention.


    5) Inspect For Roof Damage and Breakdown

    Once your roof has been cleaned, perform a thorough inspection. Better yet, rely on a local roofing professional to do the best job for you. Survey particularly for damaged or missing shingles and flashing, as these are the most common sources of roof damage. Remember, in the case that you discover damage, do not delay in attending to it. At Mike Ragan Roofing, estimates are always free, and financing is available.


    Don’t get caught out in the cold!

    Prepare your home for winter today. Following these 5 basic tips can make the all the difference in ensuring your roof will keep your family warm, safe and dry all winter. Remember, if you need professional help, Mike Ragan Roofing & Sheet Metal has the experience and know-how to get the job done right the first time. For all of your Greater Nashville roofing and gutter needs, call  Mike Ragan and crew at (615) 274-9445.

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